What people are saying...

"Grateful shout-out for Kelly's brilliant life coaching course...it came at exactly the right time in my life, and when we come together with full hearts and a willingness to share and grow, that's where the magic happens. We can always invest in ourselves: finding purpose and passion, dreaming big, and taking those baby steps towards joy and fulfillment. Do it. You deserve it."
Rebecca Shaw, Realtor - TrilliumWest

"Only those who know can help others. Kelly has connected the dots of what she's learned through her own life's challenges, adversities, and trials, and put it all together for the purpose of helping others find their way. She shares how to meet everything life throws at you with honour, integrity, and love by taking cues from life and heeding your own inner voice. Kelly has brought connections and perspectives into my world-view that would have taken me many more lives to find, and is one of the most go-gettin', fired-up, reaching-for-the-stars kinda person I know...definitely work with her if you're ready to transform your life!"
Lisa Papillon-Webster, Interior Design and Architectural Technology

"Last night I successfully catered a 200-person event. Were it not for your coaching and encouragement, I don’t think that I would have taken the leap to push for my dream and manifest it into this amazing opportunity. Thanks to you and other supportive friends I now know that what was waiting for me was just on the other side of fear. Looking forward to what’s next. Thank you Kelly!"
Dale Dottin, Owner & Chef - Feast Catering

"I have known my friend Kelly for about 20 years, and she has always been an example to me of brave transformation. Over the years I have seen her fearlessly pursue what fed her soul. She has gone from hosting her own TV show on Rogers to building a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio. Where I always learn from Kelly is the mindset of putting one foot in front of the other in the direction you want to go, and pursuing joy and contentment in this life you are living. As she says, her “recipe for success" was practiced in her own kitchen. For those that may be wanting to pursue a new adventure (personally or professionally), and would love some guidance along the way, I know personally that starting something new can be lonely/scary/overwhelming, and I have been lucky enough to have Kelly in my life to sometimes hold my hand. I love that Kelly is offering some of her “Kelly” out into the world and I can’t recommend this enough.
Shelley Heipel, Owner - Springhill Yoga & Springhill Flower Farm