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Are You Trapped In The Coconut?

Sometimes, it takes a big thing to remind us that it's the little things that are most important.

Last Friday, my area was hit with an unseasonal ice storm that shut down the power to much of the tri-city area for the better part of the day.  Some areas didn't have their hydro back until Saturday.  

But for all the negative ways the storm affected us, it gave us a couple of unexpected gifts too: it gave us reminders about the importance of

Gratitude and Community.

We often take for granted the modern-day conveniences we are blessed with, and it's usually not until we're without central heat on a cold day, or without lights in the darkness, that we remember to be thankful for the furnace and the hydro, and for the comfort and convenience they bring us every single day.  

It's often not until we're faced with a common crisis like a power outage that we come together as a community:  checking in on and notifying one another (to check their sump pumps...thank you for the heads-up Fahim; you saved my basement from flooding!), and coming together to share generators, stories, shop vacs and slices of cold pizza while we help one another rip carpet up from the basement floors that did get flooded.

Friday's storm reminded me of a few things I'd forgotten to feel grateful for: the joy and comfort we find in community, camaraderie, and candlesticks...or any kind of light to show us the way when it's dark.

On a regular day, we can get so caught up in our busy lives that sure, we may call out or wave a friendly 'hello' when we run past one another on the way to get the mail, but too often we forget the importance of stopping to talk with the human beings whose homes share property lines and postal codes with ours.  

We rush through our lives, looking all over the place - out here, over there; to tomorrow or to yesterday - for things that we think will bring us joy...when really, it's all right here to begin with.

It happens when we get trapped in the coconut.

Take a few minutes to hear this wise and joyful soul explain what it means to be trapped in the coconut, and discover where joy really resides, the importance of community...and the very purpose of living:

Where do you find your joy?

Are you looking 'out there', or 'in here'?

If you want to learn how to cultivate a deep well of joy to sustain you in your life, there's still time to register for my free teleseminar, 'Everyday Delight: 4 Steps to Infuse Your Life With Joy'.  We all want to experience joy in our lives, and in this call I share some steps you can take today to lift yourself out of a funk and open the door to more joy in your life.  Details of what you'll learn in the call are here, and registration access expires on Sunday April 21st, so take advantage of this free downloadable mp3 today.

And if you're really ready to make joy a priority in your life, check out my upcoming Joy Project: a ten-week action & integration program designed to help you feel more on purpose and aligned in your work and your relationships, and to teach you the steps that will lead you straight into the arms of your right life.  Find out if The Joy Project is for you.

And put some lime in that coconut :)

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©2023 by Kelly Wagner

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