This post is the fifth in my ten-week‘Summer Music Series‘:a collection of articles inspired by some of the songs and music lyrics that inspire me and make me think… Sign up here to make sure you don’t miss any instalments: not only is the series free, but when you sign up you’ll also get a complimentary copy of my Dreamsmith Guide to Creating a Life You Love.
I'm too old.
I can't go back.
I wouldn't know where to begin.
I'd have to start all over.
What do all these voices have in common? Depending on the context, it could be a feeling of defeat. Resignation. Fear. Even hopelessness, perhaps. In all of them, there's a sense of it being far too much work to make a change...or a pointless effort even if it weren't.
Whether it's your health, your career, your finances, your relationships or anything else that influences your happiness and sense of well-being, if you get yourself (or find yourself thrown unwittingly) into a position where things are less-than-ideal, it's easy to get down and dejected. Before you know it, you find lines like 'it's too late' or 'it'll be too hard to fix it' woven into your daily thoughts...which, consciously or not, translate into your daily actions. Which doesn't bode well for turning your ship around.
Let's face it: we've all had those days when we wonder whether our ship has sailed without us; whether life has passed us by. When something fails - whether it's your relationship, your business project or your health - and there aren't any obvious good alternative options in front of you, it can quickly feel like you've gone adrift in a leaky boat with no oars, no rudder and no wind in your sails*.
It sure as heck doesn't feel very good.
But as Jacob Hoggard of the Canadian band Hedley reminds us, it's never too late:
Get up and start all over againYou know it's never too lateThere's got to be a better wayDon't settle for the cold and rainIt's not too late to start againFind a way to smile and never let it get away
Human history is rife with stories of people - famous and un-famous alike - who started from scratch, dug themselves out of a hole or otherwise rose above what appeared to be dire and difficult circumstances.
We're all made of the same stuff, so if they can do it, you can do it. You just have to set your mind to it, and seek out the resources you need.
There are no guarantees that things will work out exactly the way you want them to, but there's also a wise saying to remember when you're not feeling 'there' yet: "Everything ends up okay in the end. And if it's not okay, it's not the end."
Besides, there is no getting 'there' because as soon as you do, your eyes will be gazing at new horizons. The joy is in the journey itself.
Yes, you may have to take a different route than expected. You may have to switch to Plan B. Or C. Or even D. But sometimes those alternate routes can turn out to be even better than you ever expected your Plan A to be.
No matter what your specific situation, you always have a choice: to give up and ruminate eternally about chances not taken, choices not made and roads not travelled; or...
You can make peace with your current circumstances, and then get up and start all over again.
Whatever you do, don't give up. Do whatever it takes to find a way to smile and never let it get away.
Ready to take a chance, make a choice and take the road less travelled? Get my secret ingredients & sage advice for changing your career without cooking your goose: my new, step-by-step Recipe for Success program starts August 9th. Check out all the details here.
Don't miss part 6 of my Summer Music Series next week: a simple but thought-provoking message by Californian alternative rock band, Switchfoot.
*true story: I wrote that bit about the leaky boat/oars/sails before even watching this video, so what a great surprise to see a sailboat as the main stage for this Hedley hit :)