It's starting to happen. Almost in disbelief, I'm watching as early March brings almost a full week already of consistently warm temperatures. We're talking significantly over the 0C mark; some days even in the double-digits. I've written before about the whole "in like a lion, out like a lamb" adage, but around these parts, it's not often we get to enjoy the second part of that phrase. It usually still looks a lot like winter, at least at this stage of the month.
But not this year.
I do believe we will actually have Spring conditions before the month is out. Before March Break is out, even.
And we kicked it off last night, unbeknownst and unplanned in my mind. Ryan had been moping around since after school, lamenting his "I'm bored" mantra, and I decided I was NOT going to listen to it for the remaining two hours before bedtime. Knowing he wouldn't be excited about anything I suggested (it was one of those moods), I announced he had to come with me to exchange a toaster I'd recently purchased that was defective, and while we were there - one-stop shopping Canadian Tire - we were going to look at bikes. He'd outgrown his and definitely needed a new one for this spring, so I thought we'd start early. He grumped about it momentarily until Justin, in his fifteen-year-old wisdom, reminded him that he might want to think twice about grumping when I'm offering to buy him something big like a bicycle. "Yeah," I added. And that's all there was to say about that.
But the drag 'im out shopping excursion took a delightful turn for the exciting when Ryan immediately saw a bike that he loved, and I immediately saw that it happened to be on SALE! And a great BIG sale at that. Oh the excitement of a shiny new red bike! Oh the brilliant chrome, the jet-black tires and the price that makes Mama giddy! Just looking at that bike brought the feeling of freedom you have when you're pedalling like mad with the wind whipping through your hair and the smell of spring filling your nostrils.
We walked happily out of the store last night, me with my shiny new replacement toaster, and Ryan with his shiny new replacement bike. Bring on the melting snow and the open roads; Spring, we're ready for you now!
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