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Today I'm Gonna Try And Change The World

This post is the fourth in my ten-weekSummer Music Series‘:a collection of articles inspired by some of the songs and music lyrics that inspire me and make me think.  Sign up here to make sure you don’t miss any instalments: not only is the series free, but when you sign up you’ll also get a complimentary copy of my Dreamsmith Guide to Creating a Life You Love.

Do you ever dream, maybe with stars in your eyes, about changing the world?  

Maybe YOUR big dream is to put a stop to violence, end world hunger, or heal the hearts of humanity.

Or maybe you're thinking "Change the world?  I can hardly even manage to lose this last 10 lbs/balance my chequebook/stop fighting with my mother/<insert your challenge here>/get my OWN life together!"

Changing the world can indeed seem like an enormous task; one that's far too great for any of us to take on.  

Or so it might seem.  But I posit that changing the world is easier than you think.

(A quick, somewhat irrelevant side story: I had to use the word 'posit' just 'cause it made me giggle.  My son & I recently watched a few episodes of the TV show 'Fringe' on Netflix, and started counting the number of times Dr. Walter Bishop used the word.  Sorry - inside joke that I just couldn't resist...but I digress... :)

Back to changing the world.  See, I think that musician Johnny Reid has the right idea in his song, Today I'm Gonna Try And Change The World.  

today I'm gonna try and change the world - photo courtesy of

Here's how you do it:

...gonna say hello to my neighbour

gonna greet him with a smile

shake the hand of a stranger

sit and talk with him for a while

gonna tell someone I love them

from the bottom of my heart

today I'm gonna try and change the world

You get the idea.  It's that it really doesn't take much to change the world.  Now, this might seem overly simplistic at first glance, but just imagine a world where everyone did these very simple, even effortless things...

What would that kind of world be like?

Yes, you say, but 'everyone' doesn't do these things.  I might be willing to do them, but what about the other 6.999999 billion people on the planet?  What possible impact can my little actions have?

A big impact, I say.  Think of how it affects you, for example, if your grocery store clerk greets you with a quick smile and some friendly eye contact, instead of staring indifferently at her computer screen as she robotically scans your breakfast cereal without saying a word to you.  If she stops to smile and look at you for even a brief moment, are you more or less inclined to stop and smile at the person you cross paths with as you exit the store?

What about if you look your waiter in the eye attentively and smile at him as he recites the daily specials, instead of giving off the air of 'tolerating' his intrusion as you impatiently wait for him to finish so you can get back to your über-important business meeting?  Will your waiter be more or less inclined to give you attentive service in either case?  And never mind the service, what kind of impact will you have on his heart?  How might he go about the rest of his day, if he's made to feel valued and appreciated for his service to you?

It might seem like a small thing, but it's something alright.

Something, in fact, that I call the ripple effect: it's the principle that every single one of our actions - positive or negative - has a ripple effect that goes out into the world.  And it does make a difference.  I share in much more detail my own theory about why and how this works, at an even greater and deeper level, in my Dreamsmith Guide To Creating A Life You Love (get it here).  

In the guide, I also share specifically why it's important for you to build relationships you cherish, do work you enjoy, and endeavour to make every area of your life enrich and support you. Hedonistic?  Far from it.  In fact, I explain why it's absolutely crucial, for everyone and everything's benefit.  (And I share the three steps for doing it, and seven practices you can adopt that will help you succeed.  Get the guide here.  Or invite me to speak to your group about it here.)

If all of those 'big tasks' - optimizing your relationships, work, health, your life in general - feel daunting, please please don't let it bog you down.  One day, one step at a time is all it takes.  And help is always available.

What if instead, you made an effort - just for today - to do one small thing for another person?  Or how about one small thing for every person you encounter today, even if that means just an eye-to-eye glance filled with kindness, and a gentle smile?

That, I know you can do.  One day, one step, one smile at a time, go on out there...and change the world.  

Don't miss next week's instalmentsign up here to have the next post in my Summer Music Series delivered straight to your inbox.

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©2023 by Kelly Wagner

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