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5 More Sleeps!

When I was a kid, anytime I was bursting with excitement for something, my mom would measure it out for me by how many sleeps were left until the BIG EVENT.  Whether it was waiting for the last day of school before summer holidays, or Christmas morning, or ‘departure day’ for a family vacation, she’d count down how many more times I’d have to lay my head down to sleep before the anticipated day was finally, finally here.  Those days - hard as it was to sleep, electric as I was with all the excitement – were the rare ones when I actually looked forward to hitting the hay…because then I’d be one day closer.

Girl bursting with excitement!

You’ve been there.  So excited for something that you’re practically buzzing inside, a slight smile constantly and uncontrollably embedded in your cheeks?  I used to get that way when The Wizard of Oz was about to air on TV (ok, so it didn’t take much to get me going back then). 

What got you excited as a child might still be the stuff that gets you excited, or maybe that stuff has changed or evolved over the years.  But whatever it is that lights you up, those things that spur the child-like anticipation in your heart are uniquely your loves.   And it’s different for everyone.  Who can explain why we love the things we love, or why we are inclined toward one thing and not another?

The good news is, we don’t need to explain it at all.  We love what we love, and that’s just how it is.  And it’s those things that light you up that you need to be doing.  Why?  Because when you light up, you brighten the world of everyone around you.  And who doesn’t like a sunny day?!

Do you wake up every day, excited like for the last day of school or for Christmas or for a vacation?  Would you like to?

What if you could wake up every morning totally eager and pumped for how you’re about to spend the next 24 hours on this planet? 

Yes, it IS possible….and you can find out how.  And it’s only 5 more sleeps away!

Dreamsmith has brought together nine amazing people who – starting this coming Tuesday June 12th - are not only going to share with you how they found their way to doing work they love, but how you can find your way there too.  Whatever it is that you love doing!   And if you’re not even sure what you want to be doing or what you love, they’ve got ways you can easily uncover that too.

If you haven’t already registered for this inspiring, motivating (and potentially life-changing) event, hop on over here and register today to get the call-in details.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from June 12 – 28th at 12:00pm EDT, you can dial in for F*REE and hear the 'tried, tested and true’ tips and tools for stepping into the life of your dreams.  If you miss the live calls, you’ll be able to listen to them online (also for F*REE!) for 48 hours after each interview…but only if you register in advance

Want the convenience of being able to listen the interviews on your own schedule?  You can also buy the mp3 collection for your personal library, to listen to while commuting, working out or doing your housework (I love me a little motivation while doing my chores!)

PLUS, COMING SOON:  If you’d rather sit down with a cup of tea or glass of wine and read your inspiration instead of listen to it, this weekend we will be adding the option of buying the transcripts along with your mp3 collection!  This way you’ll have even more options, to either listen to or leaf through guidance from our panel of experts, whenever and however you most prefer. 

If you know someone who might also appreciate the inspiration, motivation and practical tools we’ll be sharing in the ‘Do What You Love’ Telesymposium, please go ahead and Tweet it, Share it, Email it or otherwise tell them about it.  Because when everyone’s happy doing the things they love, everyone’s happy doing the things they love!   What could be better?!  :-)

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©2023 by Kelly Wagner

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