I’m eager to get Optimal Living to air on Rogers, and it looks like we’re not too far away now! The show is now in various stages of post-production; last week we finished taping some additional promotion pieces for it, so stay tuned for the official launch announcement. I’m told that the show will air not only in Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge and Guelph, but also possibly out to Brantford, Stratford, and Fergus/Elora area, which is great news. This of course means that the official show name has been changed from “Optimal Living KW” to just “Optimal Living”, which is aok by me, because the principles and practices we discuss are indeed applicable far beyond the KW area!On another note: I’ve heard it said that one of the most rewarding sources of happiness is to do something for somebody else, anonymously. They never know who did the nice thing for them, and you never tell anybody about it; it’s just a happy little secret you keep to yourself. Last week, I - along with thousands of others by now - was the happy recipient of such a random act of anonymous joy-spreading. I was driving on Highway 7/85 towards north Waterloo, and as I approached the ramp where vehicles merge onto this highway from the bridge overhead on Lancaster Street, something caught my eye on the grassy slope of the embankment:
Some lovely human being(s?) had planted this beautiful array of purple and white hyacinths in the shape of a happy face :-) . I haven’t looked into it to find out who is behind it, but I wanted to send out a big “thank you” to whoever is responsible, for brightening my day and that of thousands of drivers every day who travel that section of the highway. It probably took just a few of hours last Fall for the blessed culprits to go out, purchase all the bulbs and then plant them (I like to picture it as a delightful little covert operation that took place in the dark cover of night, to keep it a real secret until blooming time), but their effort now results in day after day of smile-inducing “hey, look at THAT!” wonder, for thousands of travellers every week. Our world could use a few more of these random acts of happiness, and I’m grateful to whoever was behind this little ripple of joy that will go out to our community for as many days as those hyacinths stay in bloom.So...what could YOU do to put out a little random ripple of happiness into the world?