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It's Very 'Musing...

So.  Here we are.  First Monday of 2010 and I'm starting a blog where I write.  Write what, you ask?  I'm asking myself the same question. For a whole bunch of years now, I've been telling myself and other people that I'm interested in writing.  And I have done some writing...for myself.  In my journals, mostly.  I did join a writer's group several years back, which held monthly "Editor's Circle" meetings where we each had to bring something we were writing (up to 5 pages? I forget...), and everyone critiqued each other's work.  That got me going at least, on writing articles with the intention to send them off to get published somewhere.  I sent one article to a woman's magazine; once; and that's as far as I got! And I've gone to writer's association meetings, taken a few other writing courses over the years, etc.  Essay-writing; screenwriting (that was fun!); but I've yet to get my BIC (Butt-In the-Chair) and make a habit of writing every day.  (admission:  I stole that saying - BIC - from a writer I heard speaking once somewhere; maybe a PWAC meeting?  And I don't even think it was BIC, I have a feeling I made that up; I vaguely remember it being Ass-In the-Chair, but AIC isn't an easy word to say.  "Get your "ACHE"?!  "ACE"?!"  Nah, I prefer "Get your "BICK" and start writing, dammit!"  (yes, I suppose this is me talking to myself).  And WRITING is the only way one can actually call themselves a WRITER, no?!? :-) So I decided this is the year.  I'm going to spend an hour every morning, blogging about whatever comes to mind that day.  Why a blog, as opposed to, say, I private journal; pen & paper; or a collection of Word documents stored on my hard drive?  Hmmmm...good question.  Of course, being the overanalyzer I tend to be, I debated whether to or not to "put it out there" on the web vs. just keeping it to myself, and I've changed my mind a bo-zillion times over the weekend as I was thinking about doing this.  But in the end, I'm going the blog route because well, it is 2010 after all.  EVERYONE's blogging.  And as my estranged father used to say, "If everyone was sticking their foot in a fire, would YOU do it too?!?"  I guess this answers that question, pops.  Besides, if my intention is at some point to actually get published somewhere, this is sort of a starting point in terms of having my writing out there where it could actually be READ by someone other than myself!  Not that anyone will even know about it at this point; I haven't told anyone about it, so for now it's my self-indulgent training ground. But like I tell my son all the time, "practice makes perfect"!  I was thinking about doing this blog thing over the weekend while I watched him play a new basketball game on his Wii.  When you first start playing the game, you're generally not the greatest player at first, and there is nobody on-screen watching you.  But as you play more & more, you get better & better, and the Wii starts sending "fans" to watch you while you shoot hoops.  Then they start to cheer a little, and then as you practice more & more, and you get better and better, more fans come, and start clapping and cheering louder.... So hopefully that's what this writing will turn into!  Wait, what am I, just looking for a little clapping & cheering?!?!  Ok, ok, so we all want to feel appreciated and recognized somehow in our lives; but in the end, why I really want to write (same reason as I love to read), is that it's a way to connect with people in the world, to share common views, to generate discussion on opposing views, to learn a little, grow a little, and help each other feel more understood along the way.  Oh, and have some FUN together too!  Anytime I read something that resonates with me or stirs my thoughts or my heart or my laughter, I feel more connected, happier, enlightened somehow.  I just FEEL more, maybe that's it.  And if I can write something, sometime, that makes someone else feel more connected, happier, enlightened somehow...or if I can make them laugh...then that's a good enough reason for me to write. Funny thing, I actually put the one-hour appointment to write on my Outlook calendar for 9:30am - 10:30am every weekday starting today, and of course the Writer's Procrastination in me put off my starting till about 10:16am.  "Maybe I'll just read a few other blogs first; maybe I'll just make the bed first; Ope! - better fill up my coffee mug before getting started!".  But here it is 10:48am and I'm still writing and I could go on.  So it's only about 1/2 hr of writing today instead of my hour, and now I have to go do some things involving earning a living & paying my bills, so I'll sign off for now.  See you tomorrow! ~ Kelly

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