"What if I told you that caring for your body is the least important part of your health...that for you to be truly vital, other factors are more important?" So opens the groundbreaking new book, "Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself," by Lissa Rankin: an M.D. on a mission to heal health care. This book might just save your life.

I'm not trying to be melodramatic and of course, your current physical life and existence can't actually be saved indefinitely...but for the time you're going to be walking this planet, wouldn't you prefer for your years to be as healthy and as pain- and disease-free as possible? And I'm not referring just to your physical body; I'm talking about your emotional and psychological life too. In her new book released this week, Lissa shares research she's investigated and compiled that clearly explains the physiological mechanisms by which the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that originate in our minds can help and harm our bodies, and she shares techniques you can use to activate your body's natural self-healing mechanisms and shut off the processes that predispose your body to illness. As an advocate for holistic health and well-being, I was thrilled when Lissa joined me for an interview from her home in California this week. During our call, Lissa shared how something as simple as being happy can increase your longevity by up to ten years, and some steps you can take to initiate the physiological processes your body needs to relax and repair itself which reduce your risk for cancer, heart disease, pain disorders and stroke (not to mention the emotional and psychological perils of issues like depression and anxiety). Listen to the call online or download it here (17mins; please be patient, the recording takes a few seconds to load) In Mind Over Medicine, Lissa shares her unique and holistic six-step program that will help you uncover where things might be out of whack in your life - spiritually, creatively, environmentally, nutritionally, and in your professional and personal relationships - so that you can create a customized treatment plan aimed at bolstering these health-promoting aspects of your life. Launch promotions you don't want to miss: Prescribing happiness as preventative medicine or treatment for health conditions may not be conventional, but it's a key ingredient in the health care of the future, and when you pick up the book before May 7th, you'll qualify for access to some incredible launch promotion offers including a free 2-hour online teaching event called "Make Your Body Ripe For Miracles" hosted by Lissa and her teaching partner: bestselling author and O Magazine columnist Martha Beck, or a 4-week "6 Steps to Healing Yourself" free teleclass series with Lissa, during which she'll help you personalize the prescriptions in her book to your unique needs. You can find out all about those promotional offers at http://www.mindovermedicinebook.com. If you could get the prescription for optimal living and take the medicine easily and painlessly, how much would that be worth to you?(Say, about $17? 'Cause that's the current price listed on Amazon, at time of writing). This book is chock full of practical advice for how you can revolutionize your health and well-being by taking Lissa's holistic approach to self-care; it may just be the cheapest and most effective 'prescription' you'll ever fill. Leverage the power of your mind in healing your body and living your most optimal life: get your copy today.