Today I'm going to renew our passports for my son and I. To some, the prospect of sitting in the passport office for an hour or two in order to complete the task is a frustration and an annoyance. Not for me!
The fact that I need a passport means that I am GOING SOMEWHERE. And whether that means just across the border for some shopping, or hopping on a plane to anywhere, I love the idea of travelling, seeing the world. Adventures await.
This particular time, I am excited to report that I'm going on a trip to France. It's for a vocation-related seminar/workshop that I've wanted to go to for about five years. Now is finally the right time for me. I can hardly wait! It's in (or just outside of) a town called Toulouse, and I'm going to be rounding the trip out with a 2- or 3-day stop in Paris before I fly home.
I can hardly believe I'm actually going! Anytime you go to another city, meet new people and see new sites, adventure abounds. Good adventure. And that's something I could use a healthy dose of at the moment.
With passports in hand, I may also try to get away somewhere with my son for March Break. A friend suggested, partly in jest a few days ago, that we take our sons and drive down to Florida for the week. Now I've got Florida fever. Talk about adventure: two moms driving three boys cross-country to hit the beach, or Disney down in the sunny south. I'm sure we'll all drive each other freakin' crazy by the time the week's over. But that's the stuff memories are made of, no?
Florida or not, thinking about taking Ryan on a trip has made me develop "get-anywhere-outta-Dodge" fever. Cheap beach trip to the Dominican? I'm in. Camping the Grand Canyon? In. As long as it's somewhere warm. We like to ski, but I'm just in the mood for "warm" on this trip". And so it is.
Adventure, here we come...wherever you may find us!
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