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Score: One for detox....

Yesterday: no post.  Reason: detoxification-induced illness.  Seriously?  Yes.  But it's all good. I just started doing hot yoga.  I had gone once last year, but for a miscellany of reasons I didn't continue beyond that one time.  But now I think I'm up for it.  I think it want to stick with it for a while.  I think I'm ready to sign up. But before I did...cautious decision-maker that I am...even though I'd been once before, I wanted to do a trial period again before committing to a longer stretch (haha no yoga pun intended).  The studio had a promotion on, so-much for an unlimited two-week period, so I took advantage.  First class: great.  Very challenging, bringing on more sweat than these pores have seen in the last three years combined, but it felt invigorating.  Cleansing.  Purifying. And then, a couple hours after I got home, the headache set in. Even though I normally drink a boatload of water every day, it seems I must have gotten dehydrated.  Drank a bunch of water before and after class, but perhaps not enough.  Then I went again two days later.  Again, a couple of hours later, a headache came on.  This was in the evening, not long before I usually go to bed, so I tucked myself in and didn't even sleep so great that night.  Woke up in the morning actually feeling nauseous, along with some other gastro-intestinal symptoms I don't really care to share online.  You get the picture.  And my headache had taken me over. Is it weird that I was partly excited about all this?!? Explicit symptom descriptions aside, I was pretty sure there was some serious detoxification work going on.  And that makes me feel good.  I'm probably long overdue for a physical, mental AND emotional detox (aren't we all, to a certain degree?), so I was actually feeling optimistic through all these crummy, knock-me-on-my-kiester symptoms.  I'm working on the non-tangible parts of this equation, so hurrah that this seemed to be having some effect at the physical level.  Bring it. As long as the suffering is only temporary.  But then, it always is, isn't it? :-)

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