This blog has been quiet for the last quarter, and I have a confession to make: I went silent because I felt – not for the first time in my life - the need to stop and reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m headed. Ever been there? I’ve actually been working quite diligently on ‘living optimally’ all this while, ultimately wanting to make sure I’m shining my light...and shining it in the right direction.
I have to admit that since making the decision two years ago to become self-employed, one of my biggest challenges has been on focusing my efforts. On top of Optimal Living, I have a handful of other endeavours that I’m also involved in, and determining A) how to continue engaging in all of them; B) how to somehow combine them into one concerted effort; or C) how to pare down the list of activities in a way that still feels rewarding to me, is no small feat. Not to mention D) how to accomplish all this in a way that ensures I can still pay my bills.
So over the past few months, I’ve been examining my options, examining my heart, and examining my bank statements to figure out a way to continue to make it all work. This Fall I sought out a part-time J.O.B. to help with the bill-paying part of the equation, and I’ve been fortunate to have started a contract with a great company full of really good people. But to this point, I’m still of the mindset that the challenges I’ve encountered in doing the work that’s meaningful to me are still worth the sometimes-terrifying reality of not having the steady, consistent paycheque that comes with a Monday-to-Friday, 9-to-5 gig. Meanwhile, as I determine how to manage options A, B, C and D above, I wanted to get back to my blog.
The reality is that we all have decisions to make about what kind of contribution we want to make in this world. I believe that everyone’s purpose and contribution is unique, and we as a society need everyone’s best contribution in order to make the world go ‘round. Some are the brains, some are the brawn and there’s an entire range in between, and it’s up to each of us to determine for ourselves where we shine the brightest and contribute in the very best way that we can.
“It is one light which beams out of a thousand stars. It is one soul which animates all men.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I experienced a poetic reminder of this the other day. As part of one of my other endeavours, on Wednesday I took a bus load of Grade 11 students on a “House of Worship Tour”* to learn about various faith traditions. Our second stop was at a Hindu temple where our host made reference to the lamp ritual (aarti) and how it is symbolic for - among other things - the way we ought to live our lives:
So if you too are considering how to best shine your light, I can offer a few suggestions that I’m trying to keep in mind as I make my decisions, and perhaps they’ll be helpful to you too. Be mindful of what grabs your attention, what ignites your interest, what sparks your passion and intrigues your intellect. What makes you feel alive? It’s different for everyone, because just as a rainbow refracts light into multiple different colours in the spectrum, we each have our own unique colour of light to shine into the world. Only we can determine for ourselves where our light shines the brightest, in a way that makes our own hearts sing. There’s a saying that applies to religions which I think applies just as well to deciding on our purpose in life:
So where does your light shine? And are you burning your brightest?