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"Slim" does not equal "fit"!

Don't get me wrong; for all those who struggle with their weight and have extra pounds to get rid of, by no means am I whining and complaining about what I'm about to write about.  But the fact is, just because someone is slim does not mean they are fit.  Case in point: yours truly. I know I'm very fortunate to have a metabolism that always seems to be working one step ahead of my caloric consumption.  Thank my lucky stars.  Having a "thing" for cheese does not help a person's waistline (though in my case, my brie and cheddar seem to head not to my waistline, but rather straight for my butt-line....oh lucky me).  But overall, at 5'6" and about 127lbs, I'm generally happy with how I look (in clothes, at least).  And ok, ok, 127lbs is what my home scale says; the one in my doctor's office reports a different figure...but I prefer the one on my home scale, so that's the one I'm sharing with you :-). But as the title of this blog says, "slim" does NOT equal "fit"!  I know this first-hand, and can attest to it because of another of my new-year's resolutions: to exercise at least 20-30 minutes every day.  Alright, every weekday is my actual commitment.  Only necessary on the weekends if the mood strikes me.  I don't need to lose any weight, really (though I AM hoping to eliminate a couple of dimples from my upper thighs.  You're welcome for that delightful visual).  But I know that for the health and strength of my cardiovascular system, my muscles, my bones and all that, I really do need to get moving.  Body parts just don't do it for themselves anymore once you're past 30 (and I passed that milestone longer ago than I care to admit). So I started on Monday morning.  Right after my son left for school and before I got down to work, I climbed up & down my steps for almost 30 minutes.  And my little heart was a-pumping!  Then yesterday, I went for a walk after dinner, and this morning I did my steps again.  I've joined gyms before, but it's really just not my scene.  Takes way too much time to pack up all my gear (workout gear, shower gear, towel, toiletries, water, yadda yadda...), drive there and back, AND exercise on top of it all.  So I'll exercise at home.  Plus, I am not one of those people that looks glowingly beautiful when they work out.  My face goes beet red.  And I sweat.  A lot.  Nobody needs to see that. So I stretched before, during and after my stair climbs, and still wound up with my legs sore and my heart thumping so hard I wondered if it might actually be possible for it to pound directly OUT of my chest.  Hooooo-eee!  Beads of sweat trickled down my face constantly, and even after a 15-minute shower, I was STILL sweating!  I had to literally stand there in the bathroom, naked (so the air could get at my back) and wiping my forehead with kleenexes for ten minutes after stepping out of the shower, before I could even consider putting on clothes and makeup.  Neither of those things goes on very well when you're covered in beads of sweat!  I needed a shower after my shower, for cripes' sakes! This is another reason why I am not cut out for working out over my lunch hour, like many dedicated fitness buffs do.  Are you kidding me?!  With the amount I sweat, I'd get all of FIVE minutes of exercise in by the time I changed into my workout stuff, before I'd HAVE to hit the showers and completely re-do myself.  Maybe once my body is conditioned to this thing called exercise, I'll sweat less; but until then, morning or at the very end of my day are the best options for me. I may be slim...and by keeping up my New Year's Fitness Challenge, I'm looking forward to the day when I can consider myself "fit" too.

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