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Spring cleaning in sub-zero

Here in Southwestern Ontario, this time of year means mostly cloudy days, snow and cold snaps.  Though we haven't had large amounts of snow this year (yet!), the cloudy days and cold snaps are in full force.  We've just had about a week of minus-somewhere-in-the-teens temperatures, though thankfully the weather reports tell us it's supposed to "warm up" by the weekend to ZERO.  Balmy goodness!  And though cloudy skies are typically the norm this time of year, as I write this the sky is as clear and blue as you'd expect on a summer day.  Now that, dear friends, is pure bliss on a winter day.  Nothing like sunshine to brighten up the house...AND everyone's spirits. Maybe it's the slight warming of the air and the sunshine beaming through the windows today that's put me in a bit of a cleanup mode.  This morning, putting away the groceries morphed into an all-out, hold-nothing back cleaning out of the fridge and the cupboards.  Ok, I exaggerate just a wee bit.  There was no scrubbing out of the cabinets or hot soapy water hitting the shelves in the fridge, but there was a clear definite wiping of things with a damp paper towel, and that's gotta count for something.  There was some tossing out of foods that were just far enough beyond their point of delicious freshness, some rearranging of what-goes-where, and just a tiny bit of categorizing by food groups.  No, I don't claim to be so organizedly ruthless as to itemize and label the contents of my kitchen, but a little bit of veggies-in-this-drawer, crackers-in-this-cupboard sure goes a long way toward making early-morning lunch bag preparations a bit of an easier task.  Hey, if you can save yourself 30 seconds of searching for the applesauce, I say go for it. These cold winter days tend to keep us more indoors than out.  So it seems like a natural flow of events that when you're spending more time sitting inside looking at all your belongings in their day-to-day disarray, you might be more inclined to roll up your sleeves and start sorting, stacking, sifting through and setting it all straight.  The whole undertaking goes nicely hand-in-hand with all those New Year's resolutions that are still top of mind:  be more organized, get your life in order; the typical January mindset of many an ambitious individual. So I say go for it.  Do your Spring Cleaning while it's sub-zero out there.  Then by the time the sunny skies and the warmer breezes prevail after the snow melts, you'll be ready to step out of your cleaned and organized abode and out into this big 'ol beautiful world of ours.  Enjoy the work; and the reward!

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