Today finds us at the beginning of the month of March; the beginning of the end of Winter; the beginning of the beginning of Spring. Again we hear the chorus about March being "In like a lion, out like a lamb." This year the lion is more of a tamed lion cub if you ask me - not complaining! - today we're lucky to have a blue sky and temperatures of plus 1C, which is starting to melt what little snow we do have on the ground this year. Spring is indeed in the air.
We have had more snow in the last week than we've had probably the last two months altogether, but still; we've had it easy this winter season. The snowfall has only been deep enough to bother shovelling about three or four times, and never was it back-breaking loads. So who can complain? (Besides the skier part of me, that is...).
Yet even though March 20th (or is it the 21st?) is the first official day of Spring, I don't remember in the history of my life thus far a "first day of Spring" that actually looked or felt much like Spring. The snow always seems to be covering the ground until the end of the month; even if we don't get much more snow in March, it's typically cold enough to maintain the covering that's already blanketed the city. Still, with the blue sky today and Spring on the mind, it's nice to think of the fact that beneath that icy layer, things are stirring and awakening once again. Plants and bulbs and hibernating animals alike are experiencing the first glimmerings of life, getting ready to spring forth and re-join the world after their months of slumber.
And I'm feeling the same way. This winter has been quite a transition period for me on many fronts, and the upcoming season feels like a season of stirrings and awakenings and re-birth for me too. I'm not exactly sure how everything will look once it all comes into bloom, but it certainly feels like things will begin to blossom. It reminds me of planting your garden with a whole bunch of bulbs in the fall; you may set them into certain patterns with certain colour groupings and numbers of bulbs in certain areas, but by the time Spring comes you can't exactly be sure of how everything will come up. Which bulbs will thrive, which ones won't; which areas will be the most splendid surprises of beauty once they do actually come out and turn their petals to the sun.
I can hardly wait to see how it all turns out.... :-)
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