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The Social Experiment You Don't Want To Miss

One of my favourite entrepreneurs is Chris Guillebeau.  Chris is a master at creating a life he loves, and has inspired legions of others to do the same through his blog, The Art of Non-Conformity, through his annual World Domination Summit and through the many guides, programs and books he's put out into the world (all while pursuing his almost-completed goal of travelling to every country in the world before he turns 35).  

If you're serious about creating a life you love, Chris has some great resources I encourage you to check out, including his Empire-Building Kit (affiliate link) which I've just added to my Resources page.  The Empire-Building Kit is a 365-day program that helps you build a meaningful lifestyle business in one year by doing one thing every day.  I'm currently 124 days into the program, and can tell you first-hand that it's chock full of how-to's, insider scoops and practical day-to-day tips and tools you can use in helping you start or augment your own business...ahem, empire.

But let me tell you about this social experiment.

Last week, Chris cooked up an idea that I liked so much, I jumped on board.  

You'll definitely want to check this one out.

If you pop over to this post of his, you'll find an extensive list of services that folks in Chris' community (including myself) are offering to you...FOR FREE.  That's right:  Gratis.  No charge, no strings attached.

It's a social experiment based on the underlying truth that there is such thing as a free lunch; that we live in an inherently good world - an abundant world - where plenty of people do plenty of things for others without asking for or expecting anything in return.

Beautiful, huh?

My free offer is a 30-minute Fast-Forge Dreamstorming session by phone, where we’ll come up with actionable steps you can start with THAT DAY for making your dream come to life. I normally offer one of these sessions for free every quarter by scholarship, but for Chris' experiment I’m offering it to the first 3 people to contact me here with the subject line ‘Chris Guillebeau’s Social Experiment’.  


Speaking of that scholarship: in January of this year, I began offering one free Fast-Forge Dreamstorming session by scholarship every quarter.  This 60 minute session is normally $140, and we use it to come up with actionable steps you can start with THAT DAY for making your dream come to life.  If you'd like to apply for this free scholarship, email me and in under 400 words, tell me a) what your idea/dream is, b) what’s holding you back and c) why you'd like get the scholarship. The application deadline for this quarter is March 24th.


Chris also mentions in his post the idea of scaled generosity, which happens when helping in one way leads to helpfulness elsewhere.  For instance, at last year's World Domination Summit, Chris gave away $100 each to every single person there along with the suggestion that they put the funds toward a project or person they believe in.  Some of his favourite stories were the ones where the $100 rippled out to inspire even greater expressions of generosity, like Lissa's project for example.

Speaking of scaled generosity:

Whether you're an entrepreneur or not, is there something that you can offer for free to someone else?  A service, or maybe something you don't use anymore?  Check out Chris' post for some ideas of what you might be willing to give away with no strings attached.  

As an extension of this social experiment, I'd love if you'd share with me in the comments below what you plan to offer for free.  A night of babysitting to a friend or neighbour?  A donation (of goods or money) to a charity?  A product or service that you offer in your business?

Let's see how far this experiment ripples out with a wave of goodness into the world.

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©2023 by Kelly Wagner

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