Remember the day as a kid when the training wheels finally came off your bike, and you flew solo for the first time?

Maybe there was some fear of falling that first time you tried to ride unassisted (or even the first few times), but you quickly mastered the art of balance and speed on your two-wheeler...and from that moment on, freedom and fun were aaaaaaall yours.
Even when you did fall off and skin your knees from time to time, it was nothing that a Band-Aid and a kiss from mum couldn't take care of, and you'd be back in the saddle in no time.
You'd sail around the neighbourhood with the sun on your back and the wind in your hair (because there were no bike helmets back then), able to fly in a flash from home to the park or to the neighbourhood gathering place. When you got a bit older, maybe you even biked all the way to the corner store to buy popsicles and penny candies and shoestring licorice.
Ah, those glorious days...
But kids grow up, and bikes are eventually traded for cars and commutes and grown-up living. Leisure is traded for labour, recreation is traded for responsibilities, and joy is traded for obligations of the adult variety, but none of these things bring quite the same feeling of fun and fulfillment that the kid on your bike felt.
Sometimes knees are still skinned from time to time, but now the 'skinned knees' come in the form of hopes dashed, relationships failed and dreams set aside until someday.
Now as an adult you find yourself walking around sometimes with the foggy feeling that 'something's missing'. You've travelled many roads, and you've experienced your share of losses and hurts. You sometimes wonder about the roads not taken, and where they might have led you...
You sense that there's got to be more to life than just this, and you long for the experience of eager anticipation for your day, for the easy feel of a genuine smile across your face, for the lightness of a happy heart. You can imagine how immensely influential it would be to the people closest to you if your eyes - instead of being dimmed by the haze of resignation or darkened by the shadows of sadness - were lit up with joy and laughter and a sense of deep contentment with your life.
But responsibilities and duties and obligations beckon, so you keep plodding along through your grown-up existence. Fun and freedom and the things you really fancy take a back seat.
Halt! Wait a second. No, seriously...stop right there.
That's NOT how your life is meant to be.
It's time to pump the air back into your tires, oil up your chains, pack up a picnic and get back out onto the open road, where you feel the warm sun on your back and the cool wind in your hair.
Because if you keep plodding along like this, five years, ten years, TWENTY years will pass...and if nothing changes....well, nothing changes.
No way, José!
There is WAY more to life for you than that, and I've got a bicycle that's calling your name and beckoning you back to that feeling of freedom and fun in your life:
Are you ready to ride?Click here to find out about The Joy Project, and get your life back on a path to fun, freedom and fulfillment.
Remember: if nothing changes, nothing changes.
The program starts April 25th.
What are you waiting for? :)