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Weekend recap

What a blast we had this weekend.  Just an overall great combination of puttering unscheduled around the house, and some good family fun time. Friday night was mostly just a hang out night.  Ryan had a crazy early hockey practice on Saturday morning, so I didn't want to make any plans to keep us up too late.  He ended up staying at home with Kellie & Sara, just playing games on his laptop, while I popped out to The Brick to start checking out some furniture ideas for the new stuff I'm planning to update my house with.  Great for generating ideas; and the first thing I realized is I need to get a better handle on what colours I want to be decorating with.  Step 1.  After The Brick, I went to pick up Kellie's son Justin from Chicopee where he'd been snowboarding with a school buddy.  Freezing cold night but you know how it is when you're having fun; you don't quite notice the cold so much.  Especially if you're a kid.  Even a teenage one. Saturday the alarm went off at 6am to get Ryan up for his hockey practice at 7; luckily, his dad (the coach) had offered to pick him up on the way to the arena, so after I got him out the door at about 6:20am, I went directly back to bed until he got home again about 8:15.  We lounged around & had some breakfast, and I did a few tidying jobs around the house until we got ready to meet my friend, who was dropping her oldest son (my godson and Ryan's buddy, same age) off at Chicopee to meet Ryan & I for an afternoon of skiing, just the three of us.  Nic had only skied twice before, last year on school trips, so she went early and got him all suited up with his rentals for his Group Lesson at noon.  While he was in his lesson, Ryan and I skied a few runs, then met up with him to test his new ski legs.  Coming down the hill from his last run of the lesson, Nic beamed "I think I'm a natural!"  So cute. With his "Beginner" pass he was only allowed on the Greens, and that was probably a good thing because then I didn't have to argue with he and Ryan about why we couldn't try the Blues.  Nic did great, just needs some more practice to gain better control before I'm willing to be responsible for him on a Blue hill!  He only fell about four times, but once was at the bottom of a green when he'd lost all control of his speed and balance, and ended up barrelling into the plastic snow fencing at the bottom of the hill.  Luckily it's just that soft plastic netting stuff, and he didn't hit it all that hard so there were no injuries (to Nic nor to the fence), but just the same, I was glad we were relegated to the Greens for the day.  It was fun watching Ryan teach Nic what he knew, and trying to carve out big wide turns for Nic to follow behind him in, as practice.  And for a cold day of about -12 Celsius, there was not a bit of wind and the sun was shining bright in a bluebird sky; beautiful conditions to be out in! We took a break for lunch around 2pm, skied some more and when we finished up about 4:30 we went in for some hot chocolate before heading home.  Nic was on top of the world, and that was cool to see. Saturday night, Ryan and I just hung out some more and I asked him to teach me some piano scales that he's been learning in his lessons from his grandma.  I'm gonna see what I can learn too.  He likes teaching me; I think it makes him feel good and smart, knowing stuff that I don't know.  It's good for his confidence to be able to teach me something for a change.  And he's doing so well at piano; I'm so proud of him. Sunday morning started with an 8:30 hockey game, after which we went out and I ordered the treadmill I've been thinking about buying for a few weeks (yay!).  Grabbed some groceries on the way home and made a big bacon & eggs breakfast together.  Then we had showers and he played some video games and piano while I did a bunch of laundry & cleaning before we went to see the movie Avatar in the afternoon, an unexpected but welcome invitation from an old high school classmate I've recently reconnected with thanks to Facebook.  Her kids were at their dad's for the afternoon, so it was the perfect opportunity to go.  And we all loved the movie.  Brilliant. Nothing giantly monumental about the weekend, but I think that's the beauty of it; just a good 'ol, living-life-and-enjoying-all-the-wonder-in-it kind of a weekend.  Looking forward to doing it again next week.  Heck, why not savour things that way every day?

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